November 21st Budget Meeting - 2024 Budget
Posted on Oct 25th, 2023
By now, Wedgewood owners should have received the mailing package from our Management company regarding the November 21st Budget Meeting. They were mailed to the address of record for every condo owner. If you didn't receive yours for whatever reason, we have extra copies available on the property (please see Ken) or, if you're not at your condo, you can access the complete package on our website under Letters/Notices.
Question 1 on the Budget Meeting ballot asks if you'd like to roll over excess funds from 2023 to 2024; please vote "Yes" so the Association does not have to pay taxes on that money as earned income (P.S, It's YOUR money; do you want to give it to the government if you don't have to?)
Question 2 asks if you'd like to waive a budget audit for the coming year. We just had an audit in 2022 and are planning on having a new audit after the construction project is finished so please vote "Yes" to waive the audit at this time to avoid having to pay for two audits (they're about $4,000 each... again, it's YOUR money; why spend it twice?
Lastly, the projected HOA increase of $50 per month may be difficult for some people to accept but the Board had no choice: all of our expenses have gone up! $43.50 of the $50 is just for our current and projected insurance increases for 2024 and 2025 (our insurance runs from August to August, while our budget runs from January 1st through December 31st.)