News Articles

No Soliciting on Wedgewood Grounds
Posted on Oct 13th, 2023

       A man was spotted on the Wedgewood grounds yesterday leaving flyers for a construction company at various condo units. However, his actions were suspect (he would go to one unit but not another in the same building) and he reportedly tried the door (possibly to see if it was open ?) on at least one unit.
       I called that man and reminded him of the “NO SOLICITING” notice on our entrance signs. I informed him that unit owners are not empowered to make changes on the outside of our buildings, but he said his company also does window replacements. I asked him to mail whatever sales information he has instead of approaching our residents.
       Just another reminder to LOCK YOUR DOOR WHEN LEAVING YOUR CONDO! You never know who’s going to be walking around.  - Ken