News Articles

Your Electric Usage by Construction Company
Posted on Jun 1st, 2023

I understand that some residents are complaining about Tom White’s crew using the electric from our buildings (your condo units) to do their work. First of all, the amount of electric they’ll be using is minuscule compared to what your A/C, refrigerator and electric range/oven uses. When the stairs were replaced several years ago, I allowed the work crew to use my electric for the two sets of stairs on my building PLUS the stairs on the building next to ours; my bill that month was $5 higher than usual.
Secondly, it’s in our contract with Tom White that they can use the electric from our buildings to do the necessary work. Keep in mind, this work is being performed on YOUR buildings, to improve YOUR safety and livability, while increasing YOUR condo’s value. Whatever slight increase there may be to your electric bill is well worth it. – Ken Bausert