Wind Mitigation Reports
Posted on Jun 6th, 2023
The Board of Directors is happy and relieved to announce that the Association Wind Mitigation Report has finally been completed and sent to our insurance company, along with the Electrical Inspections Report that they required before issuing us our new policy. We are anticipating a significant reduction in our insurance premium (initially double last year's cost) and will keep everyone informed on that issue as soon as we know anything further.
The complete Wind Mitigation Report has been posted on our Management Company's website (Caliber) which all Wedgewood owners are eligible to access by joining as a Member. The complete report is such a large file size that it couldn't be added to our Wedgewood website (even with compression). However, the individual reports for each building HAVE been uploaded to our website. Simply sign in, go to Documents> Member Request Forms> 2023-4-25 Wind Mitigation Reports, and look for your building number. You may download a copy of the report for your building, present it to your condo insurance company, and possibly get a discount on your premium.